Easy, fast, and transparent
Earn When You Transfer Money
Instant Transfer
Zero Fees
20+ Currencies
Get your own unique bank account number which you can share with clients to receive money.Your access to virtual wallet gives you a unique (IBAN) account number to receive transfer from any local bank and perform all your day-to-day payment needs in one place with a single tap.
Send and receive international payments in 20+ currencies with low, transparent fees. Why pay so much to send or receive money? FXKudi helps you send money to family and friends free and instant.
Your safety using FXKudi is a priority which is why every user get extra authentication and verification to complete a transaction. every user is required to verify identity to start using FXKudi.
Start making money by facilitating cross-border payments, airtime purchase, Dstv subscription and issuing of instant virtual cards for security and flexibility — all set up with our easy kudihero platform.